"Hypnotoad is a character that appeared in the science fiction cartoon Futurama, and Hypnotoad is a toad that has the power to make you believe whatever it wants you to believe by means of hypnosis," he said. "When I heard that the people who liked the horny frog were switching to the Hypnotoad, I was over the moon...I was very happy, I was over the moon, I was over Jupiter."
The origins of the Hypnotoad are unknown, but it's speculated that he is an alien, mutant, or a product of genetic engineering. It would also appear that he is the only one of his kind on Earth. However, it's possible that a creature similar in design to the Hypnotoad found on Kif Kroker's homeworld is part of his ancestry.
The Hypnotoad also has its own television show called Everybody Loves Hypnotoad. It consists of a stationary camera filming the Hypnotoad and his noise continuously. Despite the odd premise behind the show, it ran successfully for over three seasons, possibly because he hypnotized the audience into watching it.